Nightwatch - Miniaturesandhistory

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Rembrandt's Nightwatch 1642

We have had 10 figures made that feature prominently in Rembrandt van Rijns' most famous painting: The Night Watch.
Rembrandt's most famous and largest painting was made for the Kloveniersdoelen. This was one of the three headquarters of the Amsterdam Civic musketeers, the city's civil guard. Rembrandt was the first to depict all figures in action on a painting. The captain, in black, orders his lieutenant for the company to march. The shooters line up. Using light, Rembrandt drew attention to important details, such as the captain's hand gesture and the little girl in the foreground. She is the mascot of the musketeers. The name Night Watch only came about much later, when it was thought to be a nocturnal scene.

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