Some other magazines
Collectors of miniatures usually know the 'big' figure magzines like Toysoldier collector. Figurenamagazin etc. Quite a lot of magazines are still published, especially about toy and wargame miniatures. However, there are quite a few magazines, especially in Europe, published by smaller associations. Usually not limited to one kind of miniature (flat, 3D, toys etc).
Noteworthy is the magazine De Tinnen Tafelronde (Pewter Round Table), published since 1955 and edited by the Dutch Foundation of Model Figures. In this quarterly published magazine there is much attention is paid to Dutch history. Articles that are often illustrated by self-published figures. The figures that this foundation publishes are both flat figures and 3D figures and always relate to Dutch history. More information tob e found on the website
A similar edition is the magazine Chakoten of the Danish military foundation. Also appears four times a year for already 75 years. The difference with the Dutch magazine is that here the emphasis is mainly on military history (and not only that of Denmark) and less attention is paid to miniatures. Nevertheless, miniatures also appear regularly. The March 2020 issue, for example, dealt extensively with the jubilee competition of the figure collectors who are part of the foundation. More information about magazine and foundation can be found at